Welcome to the World of Mysticism

This site provides information on Sufism, Its History, Setup, Chains, Culture, Concepts, Intersting Facts and the Life, History and Miracles of Many Sufis.

The Source

The Source
The Tomb of Prophet Muhammad (sws) in Madina


Before entering the world of sufism (mysticism) and sufis (mystics), it is advisable to close all windows to your mind and open all windows and ways to your heart, otherwise you won't be able to gain anything from here.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Looking for Allah ?

Some people think God lives very far from here. Above the skies and beyond our reach. Some think He lives in the Kabbah in Makkah(Mecca).
The reality is He is closer than you can imagine.

He lives inside you, He is within you. In the Quran Allah says: "I am closer to you than your jugular vein". This tells us that Allah resides in us, he is within us. That is one place where man never searches, man never looks inside him and that is why he is never able to find God.

These may be some secrets, that are being revealed here. Some things that better be discovered by a person rather than reading it from somewhere. I still believe only those will be able to read this and will be able to come to this page, who have the capacity and level to understand this and those chosen ones to whom Allah has decided to unlock His reality.

There are always two inside you. Your Good and your Evil. Your Darkness and your Light(Noor). Your Mind and your Heart. Your Material and your Spritual.
You and Allah.
Your Mind, Your Desires(Nafs), Your Filth / Lust, Evil, Darkness, Material is all one and is You !
Your Heart, your Good, Your Light(Noor) and your Spirituality is one and that is Allah.
If you are able to defeat your evil, your darkness, your desires(nafs) then you have acheived success and reached your destination. In other words if you are able to kill yourself before death, you are eliminated from your existence and only Allah remains back. Some call this as a merger with Allah. That is why Allah says: Of my Beloved, I become their hand with which they give and I become their tounge with which they speak.
This is not a one night effort and may even take a lifetime to acheive. It is most difficult to do Jihad and kill your material desires. Even after that there are stages of acheivements.....