Welcome to the World of Mysticism

This site provides information on Sufism, Its History, Setup, Chains, Culture, Concepts, Intersting Facts and the Life, History and Miracles of Many Sufis.

The Source

The Source
The Tomb of Prophet Muhammad (sws) in Madina


Before entering the world of sufism (mysticism) and sufis (mystics), it is advisable to close all windows to your mind and open all windows and ways to your heart, otherwise you won't be able to gain anything from here.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Who Are The Sufis ?

Sufis are like Prophets, each performing his own duty. There is no Prophet after Prophet Muhammad (sws) and he is the finality of Prophet Hood. Since no more Prophets are going to come, so Sufis perform their duties and continue their mission. They are responsible for helping people, running some affairs and showing people the right path and guiding them to the path of Light. There are different ranks and duties of the Sufis and mostly these saints do not expose themselves to the people. They directly follow Allah’s and Prophet Muhammad’s Orders. They are many times known to possess supernatural powers, gifted by Allah and can perform miracles.

Sufis are the greatest preachers of Islam, yet they remain in Silence. Sufism has great influences and contribution in spreading Islam in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Chechnya, Bosnia, Turkey and Africa. There are different chains in Sufism, each with its own ways and pioneers. All these chains meet up to Ali (R.A).
Ali (R.A) is the commander of the Sufis. He is a very close companion of the Prophet Muhammad (sws) and his son-in-law as well. It is from the great Caliph Ali (R.A) where the chain of the Prophet’s Family (known as Syeds) continues.

A Sufi may live among people or may live away in a jungle far far away from any mankind. Life histories of different Sufis imply that Sufis spend some time of their life in travelling, some time in loneliness and sometime in public. This all depends on what orders they receive from Allah and when. Many times Sufis are seen to be worshipping Allah day and night. They lose their love for the world, live in loneliness and just sit in a corner and praise and worship Allah in different forms called Zikr. Zikr maybe a prayer, reading the Quran or reciting other Holy scripts or portions of the Quran. Sufis and their students get together to offer collective Zikr as well.

A Sufi is like a teacher who teaches mysticism to his students and serves as a practical example for the student. He is like a doctor who examines his patients (students) detects their spiritual illness or weakness and prescribes them what is best for them. The teacher is usually known as the Skaykh (Shaikh) or Peer or Murshid and the student is known as the Mureed. When a student decides to join a Shaykh, he must whole heartedly submit to his teacher and follow him, no matter what happens. The Shaykh then decides whether the student can continue or not and adds the student to his chain or asks him to continue without becoming a permanent student. This declaration is called the “Baet”

A Sufi must act as an example for his students and act as a source of guidance and inspiration. Sufis practice all the things that Prophet Muhammad (sws) used to practice. In addition different Sufi orders have different methods to connect to Allah, to go in trance and to offer the Zikr. After the departure (death) of a Sufi his place as a Shaykh is taken by the eldest son or an appointed student. This keeps the order going on forever. The spiritual rank that a Shaykh may reach varies and may necessarily not be the same as the Sufi of the order or chain.

Many people consider Sufism to be an advanced and higher state of religion and spirituality. Most of the concepts are not discussed with ordinary people because of their low knowledge and wrong interpretation. It is not recommended to discuss the advanced Sufism with Non Muslims and Muslims with weak faith or no comprehension and understanding of spirituality. This can many times lead to wrong interpretation of concepts because the person may not be a strong believer. Belief is very important to understand the actual spirit of things.

In many articles on the internet, including some searches by Google and Wikipedia, Sufism is explained something as a religion. In reality it is just an advanced and dedicated stage of Islam with mere focus on spiritual perfection.

How Does God Look Like ?

Many people have this very common question : How was God look like and where is he ?
I myself came across this question in my early childhood. I could finally have some peace when I discovered the answer, myself. The answer to “where” is in my other post.

God has no material or physical form or existence. He is metaphysical. He is Noor (Bright White Light & Energy). This doesn’t imply that God cannot take a physical form. He is the almighty and He has power over everything.
In place Allah says: On the day of judgement, a man will ask what did I do wrong ? and Allah will reply, I once came to your door in the world for help and you denied to help me. At that point the man will say: “O mighty Allah, when and how did you come to my door ?”. Allah will reply: “I once came in the form of my creation and you denied to help me”.

Allah has certain attributes that we know of. Man has five senses and cannot feel any other sensation, so it is very difficult to imagine what sort of sensations do other senses have? Man may be incapable to even think about them. Allah has certain attributes that have been gifted to man as well has like listening, seeing etc… One of the other attributes is forgiveness. In the Quran, it is mentioned at numerous places that Allah is the all knowing, all wise Who can see and listen. He knows what we do and that what is inside our hearts.

Prophet Musa (Moses) used to talk directly with Allah. One day he wished to see Allah.
He went to Koh-e-toor (The Toor Mountain) and asked Allah to show Himself. Allah said Musa(A.S), you won’t be able to sustain this. Musa (A.S) insisted to see just a part of Allah. Allah showed him just a micro-microscopic glance of Himself, the whole mountain of Toor, burned down to ashes and Prophet Musa (A.S) was unable to sustain just this tiny fraction of the glimpse and fainted away.

Allah is majestic and is everywhere in the Universe. He exists everywhere and in everything. Scientifically, Allah may be the Energy in the universe. There exist two things in the universe: Matter and Energy. All matter is getting converted to Energy and Energy is Light and Energy. Our spirit is our Energy, without it; even a perfect biological system won’t work. Energy is present in every corner of the universe.
At microscopic level we know the ‘atom’. In the atom, we have electrons that keep on orbiting the centre (Nucleus). Knowledge of Physics and Chemistry can tell us all how the electrons are arranged, how they move and what is their behaviour; however all knowledge fails to explain why the electron keeps orbiting ? and from where does it get this continuous energy ? This energy maybe the Creator himself. As electrons & atoms are the basic building blocks of every single thing in the universe and exist in the whole universe.

Once the Prophet Muhammad (sws) went to the skies to meet Allah. On his return the companions asked “What does Allah look like?” Prophet Muhammad (sws) replied “He looks like me, those who have seen me have thus seen Allah” The Prophet Muhammad (sws) is known to posses to a lot of Noor and can be regarded as the closest to Allah in appearance and in attributes. He is the reflection of Allah on Earth. Some people are not aware of the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (sws) did not have any shadow of his own.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Looking for Allah ?

Some people think God lives very far from here. Above the skies and beyond our reach. Some think He lives in the Kabbah in Makkah(Mecca).
The reality is He is closer than you can imagine.

He lives inside you, He is within you. In the Quran Allah says: "I am closer to you than your jugular vein". This tells us that Allah resides in us, he is within us. That is one place where man never searches, man never looks inside him and that is why he is never able to find God.

These may be some secrets, that are being revealed here. Some things that better be discovered by a person rather than reading it from somewhere. I still believe only those will be able to read this and will be able to come to this page, who have the capacity and level to understand this and those chosen ones to whom Allah has decided to unlock His reality.

There are always two inside you. Your Good and your Evil. Your Darkness and your Light(Noor). Your Mind and your Heart. Your Material and your Spritual.
You and Allah.
Your Mind, Your Desires(Nafs), Your Filth / Lust, Evil, Darkness, Material is all one and is You !
Your Heart, your Good, Your Light(Noor) and your Spirituality is one and that is Allah.
If you are able to defeat your evil, your darkness, your desires(nafs) then you have acheived success and reached your destination. In other words if you are able to kill yourself before death, you are eliminated from your existence and only Allah remains back. Some call this as a merger with Allah. That is why Allah says: Of my Beloved, I become their hand with which they give and I become their tounge with which they speak.
This is not a one night effort and may even take a lifetime to acheive. It is most difficult to do Jihad and kill your material desires. Even after that there are stages of acheivements.....

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani

Shaikh 'Abd al-Qadr Jilani (Persian: عبد القادرگیلانی, Arabic: عبد القادر الجيلانى) (1078-1166) (also spelled Abdul Qadir Jilani, Abdul Qadir Gilani, or Abdul Khadir Jeelani) was a noted preacher, Sufi sheikh and the figurehead of the Qadiri Sufi order. He was born during Ramadan in 1078, in the Persian province of Gilan (Iran) south of the Caspian Sea. It is also called Kilan, thus, Abdul-Qadir al-Kilani is also another of his names. His contribution to thought in the Muslim world earned him the title al-Gauth al Azam (the "Supreme Helper").

Ali (R.A) The Commander of Sufis (Amir Ul Momineen)